Keep calm and drink more Bhakti Blends tea

Each month Amanda Lacey we will be interviewing some of the unique, talented clients and friends of POPCOM. To kick us off is the incredible Katie Rose, founder of Bhakti Blends tea.

About Katie

Katie Rose is a published author and advanced level yoga and Ayurveda teacher. She is also qualified as a doula (childbirth support person). As a teacher, she holds the highest possible accreditations with both Yoga Alliance and Yoga Australia and lectures regularly at the Australian Doula College. 

Katie has been teaching for over 20 years and has trained hundreds of yoga teachers. Her passion is in empowerment for women as well as yogic philosophy and bringing devotion and a sense of the Sacred to everyday life. She has a deep compassion for animals and reverence for nature. Her most recent book, 'Mindful Living', was published in 2019. She currently offers a range of online courses in Ayurveda and Yoga for Birth. 

She is the mother of four boys and lives with them in Sydney's super-hip Inner West. 

Why tea?

Born and raised in England, I was weaned on tea! I love the ritual of tea-drinking; a warm cuppa never fails to give deep comfort. I have also seen first hand the incredible power of medicinal herbal teas for healing and wellbeing.

As an Australian woman, how important are rituals to your everyday life? 

We're all so busy these days, and most of it is in service to our jobs, our kids and the zillions of daily responsibilities women take on! To fuel that busy-ness coffee is a common go-to and to relax at night a glass of wine. 

I'm not suggesting for you to give up your coffee or your wine (I like both!) but in my own life, I also replace some of these less healthy choices with a medicinal herbal tea. For example, in the mornings, I often drink our 'uplift' tea which contains rose and cacao (for an instant chocolatey energy hit). In the evenings, our 'Calm and Clear' or 'Deep Sleep' is wonderfully relaxing. My Ayurveda teacher taught me the art of the' sacred pause'… when you're overwhelmed with things to do slowing down can ironically make you more productive. A mindful cup of tea can be the difference between 'calm and steady' or 'headless chicken' for me - so I use the ritual of drinking loose brewed tea as a way of taking that sacred pause. 

If there was one thing you could do to change the world, what would it be?

My life's work is about supporting women (including myself) to know the value of our intuition and our natural connection to Spirit. We live in a world where the values of productivity and material success have overshadowed our ability to trust ourselves.  I'm on a mission to reconnect to the wisdom that is already there inside us all. 

Check out Bhakti Blends on their website We love drinking these teas in our office and are thrilled to be working with Katie.

Also, for more about Katie: 


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